I just returned from visiting our satellite school in Phoenix, Arizona. What a wonderful experience. The students and graduates had arranged for two previews and a children’s clinic at a beautiful healing center. They made it possible for me to reach approximately 75- 80 people during my time there. I was able to process an amazing five year old girl for the demo at the Thursday night preview. Kayla was the daughter of one of the students in the school. She was absolutely darling.
Our children’s clinic had fourteen children participate. We learned about heavy feelings and light feelings and what to do when our anger alarm goes off. We did the hokey pokey and made pet rocks. We had good support from students and graduates as they coached the children during the class.
It was approximately four years ago that one woman living in Gilbert, Arizona approached me about coming to Arizona to do a training there. Penny Hansen shared with me over the telephone that she was committed to do whatever it took to bring the Institute of Healing Arts and the year long program to Arizona. She even volunteered her home for one year so the class would have somewhere to meet.
Right around that time one of our graduates moved from Utah to Arizona and was willing to participate as a trainer. Her name was Diana Hainsworth. Diana, along with Penny Hansen, sent out fliers and talked to everyone they knew. They coordinated the previews and we eventually had our first training in Arizona. Today we are experiencing the fruits of their vision to bring the process to this area.
We now have our current trainer Barbara Porter, who graduated from that original class. She is doing an amazing work in teaching and supporting our current students. The class started last October, and the transformation that we witnessed this past weekend was so powerful. These students gather every Tuesday night to address issues and learn the technique of processing. They are a wonderful support to each other. Some of the original graduates, including Penny Hansen, are attending as well for round two as they strengthen their skills and offer support as coaches to this new class.
Everyone welcomed me with such open arms; I felt so loved by the group. My heart was touched as I became aware of some of the sacrifices that students and families are making for the school to even be in Arizona. I honor those students and graduates in Arizona who are making this all possible. We truly witnessed the power of the process in Arizona this past weekend.
I love Arizona.
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